Downloading NCERT books pdf is vey easy now. You don’t have to visit the ncert website eveytime. Suppose you want to download ncert class 12 book for mathematics in english version. All you need to do is just visit the url of the directory where the file is placed.
So to download the class 12 ncert maths book type here is the web address of NCERT now to go to textbook folder where all the books are kept type /textbook after the web address of ncert i.e. As the file is a pdf so they have made another folder name pdf so we need to go into that folder. Then to access the folder we have to type /pdf after i.e. now there are many files inside this folder, the question is which one is mathematics pdf.
The file names of each book is named this way for every class they have assigned has a code i.e.
Class | code |
1 | a |
2 | b |
3 | c |
4 | d |
5 | e |
6 | f |
7 | g |
8 | h |
9 | i |
10 | j |
11 | k |
12 | l |
As there are two version of each book one is english and the another is hindi. Every language has its code i.e.
English | e |
Hindi | h |
Same as before every subject has a code like i.e.
Mathematics | mh |
Science | sc |
Social Science | ss |
English | name of the book like “hc” for “honeycomb” |
Hindi | name of the book like “ks” for “ksithij” |
Physics | ph |
chemistry | ch |
Biology | bo |
And last thing to consider is that every book has either 2 volumes or 1 so there is a code for each volume
Part 1 | 1 |
Part 2 | 2 |
Now its all up to you what do you want to download. do you want to download complete book or just a chapter? The zip file of complete book has a code : “dd”. Each chapter can be accessed by the code like “101” volume of the book-0-chapter number.
Conclusion: To download {class 12}{english version}{mathematics}{part 1}{complete book}.zip has a url :
To download {class 12}{english version}{mathematics}{part 1}{chapter 1}.pdf has a url :